I love to eat treats!
If I'm especially good or cute, my mom gives me treats. I can eat pretty much anything mommy can eat
except junk food (carbonated drinks, really sugary foods, candy, etc.) Rats CAN eat chocolate, but only in
small doses. Chocolate can be a mild brondilicator. Since I'm an omnivore, I can have fruits and vegetables like carrots, apples, grapes, peas, corn, cooked green beans.
I can also eat meats like tuna and cooked chicken and not meats that are fatty like bacon. I need to
watch my figure.
Eggs make a great treat once in a while, too! I love eggs! Mommy makes them for me sometimes. I like them
with the yolk and I like them scrambled....mmmmm...eeeggsss....
Check out The Fatty Ratty Report to get good recipes from "Roddy's Recipes"! All you rats
out there....BON APPETIT!!
