Hi! I'm James Ratt. Welcome to Fatty Ratty! This is my site and i'm gonna
tell you all you need to know about us rats! Explore the site and have fun! Me and my mommies are working extra hard to make
this a great site! Enjoy! Squeak!

**Fatty Ratty is going to be under construction for a while!** Expect
Changes & Please bear with us. Thank you!
The Pet Owner's Creed
Rat lovers have visited our site since October 2003! I, James am proud to have had my site come so far! I have
learned alot about my fellow rats and my mommies have too! Hundreds of visitors have come and gone and left wonderful messages
along the way! Thanks you guys! Squeak!
If you have comments, suggestions or corrections (regarding rat health and care) please leave a message in the Fatty
Ratty Forum or Guest Book!
Lisa & Liz ...and James!
Fatty Ratty Webmasters
***Fatty Ratty has a forum! Click Here to check it out and join today!***
Disclaimer: We are very sorry about the ads on the top of the
page. some of these ads are not suitable for a pet rat site but since this is free web hosting, The ads must
be accepted. Please remember that we did not put those ads there, a web crawler picks the key words on that page and puts
ads with that word on the top. This site is completely devoted to pet rats. We are sorry about the offensive ads.
Lisa and Liz...& James
Fatty Ratty Webmasters
Attention Visitors!