I live in a tall, leveled cage. The cage is made out of...whats that word..? Metal! thats it.
It has metal bars that are spaced about 1 inch apart. It also has a level/shelf in it with a ladder so that I can get
to it. My mommy also promised us a hammock! But our cage really only suits us big male rats. Some female rats could easily
get out of a 1 inch bar space...or into it.
Wooden Cages
You can buy your materials to build your rat a cage at any home-hardware store. Remember, that
if you make a cage coat the wire mesh that you use for walls. if you dont, our pee *blushes furiously* will soak in to the
galvanized wire and wont come out. in simpler really smells! wood also hold smells really well. Its really not
that good to hold the smell or pee, so the cage would have to scrubed everytime you clean it.
Temporary Caging
As a temporary cage or travel cage, you can use a rubbermaid bin. just go to Walmart (a store that mommy
suggested, i've only been there once) and find a good sized bin that will fit at least two(2) rats. then use a scroll saw
(a big scary pointy thing) and cut a large rectangular hole in one side. cover the hole in some wire mesh. the hole is
for good ventilation. Then get a towel or some rags and cover the bottom. this is so i will be happy....i love soft stuff.....anyway,
then you can give me lots of food with moiusture in it so i dont get de-hydraded on the way.
Wire bottom cages
My friend Boo lived in a wire bottom cage. Her mommy has to make sure to put towels, soft rags, or
bathroom mats at the bottom. She says the towels help to prevent bumblefoot, which can be caused by hard flooring
in cages. I have a padded cage and my feet are nice and comfy when I walk! Another senerio is that our little
feet will fall between the bars and get stuck. I've read about ratties with sprained ankles from that.
Aquariums give less air ventalation. Rat pee *blush* turns into ammonia fast so you have to clean my cage
way more than with a wire cage. Also, if you want your rat to live in an aquarium, it has to be BIG. you should have about
15 gallons to 30 gallons per rat. any less than that and you rat wont have much room to have fun.
Rat Rooms
Some people have rat rooms. I wish I had that much space. Their cage door is always open so they can
come and go as they please. I begged my mommy for one but she gave me a lecture on how it would ruin the furniture and she
would always have to make sure the door to the room was closed. She said that if we got a rat room, she'd have to rat-proof
the whole room. You know, make sure there are no cords, crevices, windows, vents or other places I could sneak into. Rat rooms can also be room where your rats free-range. A free-range room should be as secure as a rat room.
Spring Cleaning
You have to clean my cage regularly, every 2 or 3 days. Every cleaning, scrub the cage with a sponge
or rag with vinigar and water on it. Dont scrub with any cleaners such as Mr.Clean. If you do, wash the cage out
with water when you'r done. My mommy has a mini-broom and dustpan that she sweeps the cage out with. Every month you should
haul the cage into the bath tub or outside and spray it down to get it nice and shiny clean.
Although we can clean ourselves, if you think we smell, give us a bath. Male rats get greasy sometimes *scowls*.
you will see the grease because we will look yellowish or orange. Usually if you give us a bath in your tub, there
is still dirt in my fur so make sure to scrub my fur with some baby shampoo. It makes me smell nice AND look good. Some rats
are really scared of the bath tub (like me). it might make your rats feel better if you get in the bath tub with them. give
them means of escape too, if they get too scared. you can do this by throwing a towel over the side of the bath tub for us
to climb out.
Don't Forget To Flush
Alot of people dont think that its possible to litter train a ratty. well it isn't, but its hard. alot of
rats just wont use a box. Most rats have a corner where they do most of there buisness. You can put a pan or tub there
filled with kitty litter. Put some raisins (droppings) from around the cage in the litter. Make sure that there is no litter
anywhere else in the cage. The rats need to be able to distinguish the bathroom from the rest of the cage. If you see you
rat using the box, give 'em cuddles from me!
Toys & Games
Your My Interior Decorator
Put away your paint brushes and get out some bird toys 'cuz it's up to you to decorate my house.
Just think, I spend most of my time in my cage. It's pretty boring without toys and furnishings. Put yourself
in my shoes. What are shoes anyway?
I love to go outside but sometimes I'm not allowed because there are mites outside. If you can't take me
outside, you can buy a rattie lawn. It's all the same. you can bring rocks from out side into my cage. you can also
put apple tree branches in. apple tree branches are yummy and safe. remember to break off any little twigs on the branches
that might hurt me. When you put rocks in my cage, it helps to file down my claws so I don't hurt you. It's not on purpose,
I swear.
You can put in a wheel (Wodent Wheels are the best!), carpeted ramps, ropes, ladders or whatever you want.
I can't garantee I will use them though. Boy rats are kinda lazy. We prefer to sleep and lounge around while girls like to
run and play much more than us. You know what I'd like? A hammock. You can make one by cutting up rain proof pants. You could
also buy a hanging ferret litter pan to hang on a wire cage. Just put in some nesting matterial, like newspaper (make sure
the newspaper uses non-toxic ink), aspen shavings, rags or toilet paper, and I'm set. Toilet paper.........sssssooooofffffffftttttt...what?!
sorry i like softness...anyway.....
I'll want a place to sleep. A place where I feel good and safe. My mom usually uses shoe boxes with holes cut
in them for doors. There are also rodent igloos at most pet stores.
I really, really like to play in tubes. You can get some PVC piping or, if I'm small enough, some toilet
paper tubes. But we rats (especially us fat rats) can get stuck in tubes. remember to cut a slit in the side of the tube so
that we can escape if we want.
Bird toys are always fun as well. I have some homemade hanging bird tiys in my cage. They have beads
on them and a huge green ball to bat around! if you get some bird toys, make sure that they dont have any bird treats
on them. rats can get sick from bird treats.
The MOST IMPORTANT thing to have in the cage is my water-bottle or water
dish and food.

Let me out!! |