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Toys & Games

 You and your rats will have lots of fun!


Stuff Box
  1. Get an old shoe box. Keep the lid.
  2. Cut a hole in one side of the box. This is the door, Make sure its big enough for your rats. Espescially big, squishy males!
  3. Fill the box with safe items your rats could dig around in such as: toilet paper, toilet paper rolls, paper towels, tissue, old *clean socks, bits of rags...etc.
  4.  Add the rats and watch them have fun!


  1. Go to Wal-Mart and buy some fabric placemats. (no rubber backing)
  2. Also buy some shower curtain hooks. (metal)
  3. poke the hooks through the four corners of the placemat. make sure they are secure.
  4. hang the new hammock from the ceiling of your rat's cage.
  5. check on your rats every once and a while to make sure they like the hammock and it hasn't fallen down!

Here is a link to a great page on how to: make hammocks

For a ton more rat toy ideas, click here! Enjoy!

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This site was created by Lisa Erickson & Liz Mitchell. © Copyright 2005.