Stuff Box
- Get an old shoe box. Keep the lid.
- Cut a hole in one side of the box. This is the door, Make sure its big enough for your rats. Espescially
big, squishy males!
- Fill the box with safe items your rats could dig around in such as: toilet paper, toilet paper rolls,
paper towels, tissue, old *clean socks, bits of rags...etc.
- Add the rats and watch them have fun!
- Go to Wal-Mart and buy some fabric placemats. (no rubber backing)
- Also buy some shower curtain hooks. (metal)
- poke the hooks through the four corners of the placemat. make sure they are secure.
- hang the new hammock from the ceiling of your rat's cage.
- check on your rats every once and a while to make sure they like the hammock and it hasn't fallen down!
Here is a link to a great page on how to: make hammocks