Yesterdays news: a bedding made from recycled papers. safe for ratties lungs. a good choice of beddings because it does'nt smell alot
and is absorbant.
Aspen: a bedding made from aspen. safe for ratties lungs. is very absorbant, but can be dusty which is not good.
Towels and rags: using towels and rags as bedding is safe and can help prevent bumblefoot. Some people have noticed that, when they
use towel as bedding the smell of amonia lessens. must be washed every 1-2 days.
Hemp: Hemp bedding is made out of hemp. hemp bedding is safer for rats lungs, but can also be very dusty. it absorbs well and
does'nt smell too bad.
Carefresh: Is a light weight bedding. absorbant; resistant to mold and decaying; not very dusty. it covers the smell well.
but carefresh is costly.
Paper/newspaper: absorbs well; good for rat recovering from bumblefoot; free. but you must make sure that the ink the newspaper uses
is non-toxic ink. it also can smell bad and get your rats feet dirty.
The type of bedding you use must suit your cage, your lifestyle (ie. if you are asthmatic, have allergies...etc.)
and it must suit you rats's needs. take into consideration, the pros and cons such as cost, quantity, quality. Experiment
with beddings so you can find the right one for you and your rats.