10 Steps for New Rat Owners!
- Food: I'm sure a nice-lookin' human like you would want us rats to have a healthy diet. I
eat Hagen Lab Blocks because mommy says they're good for me. My mommy used to buy a seed mix but she said I was getting
picky and only eating the things I liked best. Jeez! Can you believe her? Nag, nag, nag, nag nag!
- Caging: I like wire cages best. The aquariums don't -oh what's that word humans use...ventilate-very
well. If you don't have enough venilation our pee will turn into ammonia and harm out lungs. So unless you like the smell
of rat pee, I don't think you'd like it either. If you get a wire cage, make sure each of us has at least 2 feet
of space. If you do decide to get an aquarium, make sure you have 15-30 gallons/rat.
- Please, please, please never give me pine or ceder softwood bedding! I'd prefer to keep my lungs healthy
thanks. The phenols used in the production of softwood bedding also harm my delicate lungs.
- Get more than 1 rat. Imagine what it's like for a lone rat for the 22 hours a day you aren't playing with
it. BORING. I like to have friends. We really are sociable creatures you know.
- It's go to consider getting a rat from a hobbyist breeder. Not that there's anything wrong with my dad
and uncle (they came from the faraway land of Wags and Wiggles Pet Store). Wait a tick! Now that I think of it, there is
something wrong! They're extremely unhealthy. And they passed the severe sickness down to me! *Whimper*. They are inbred and
have poor immune systems because they were taken from their mommy too early. Well, I guess hobbyist bred rats are
healthier. But if you do see an poor little rat in a pet-store and you think it's the one for you, go save them from
the snake. *shudder* Rats are also available from local shelters. They will make great pets, they only need a bit more socializing.
Consider all areas before getting your ratty.
- Socialize your new rats by offering them treats when you see them, Letting them try to climb your arm, letting
them smell you. There are lots of ways. Another good way is to get an old shirt and let them crawl around inside it for a
while. This gets them used to your smell and lets them know you aren't gonna eat them.
- Toys! Bird toys and boxes and tubes make great toys so I have stuff to do while you're gone. Go check
out a petstore. Or even Walmart. You'll find tons of stuff. Remember: Be creative! Check out Toys and Games for more info.
- In pet stores, they keep the boys and girls together! Be careful if you decide to get a girl from a petstore.
She might be pregnant. You don't want to take on more than you can handle.
- Nerver, never ever pick me up by the tail. It hurts! Do I pick you up by your ears? My uncle Roddy lost
the tip of his tail that way. It's called degloving and it really, really hurts (or so I've heard. I still have my
tail *sticks tongue out at Roddy*).
- If your rat bites you (hmm. Your fingers do kinda look like yummy treats), Just give a short high-pitched
squeek. That's how you say "Ouch!" in rat speak. By the way, please don't tell them I taught you some rat speak, they'd be
so mad! asess the situation when your rat bits you, too. Did you stick your finger through that rat's cage bars? If you did,
you probably deserve the nip you got. Do people stick their heads in through your window? Another possiblity
is that you have food on your fingers. We can't help but nibble you! You're tasty!
Remember: We rats like to be respected. If you get a rat, treat him/her good.
Look around my site for more info on caring for your rats!
