Rats are not what some people think they are. Small, pocket pets who are easily disposable. Well sorry to
burst your bubble, but rats are complicated little creatures, despite what you hear or "know" about them.
Vets aren't scary they are just like you and me. [** NOTE: this is a link to the vet clinic I bring my rats to.
Dr. McDonald is my vet. Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada]
Lets begin with a rat's delicate respiratory system. Almost all rat's lungs contain the organism Mycoplasma Pulmonis or Myco for short. It can be very difficult to treat. Myco is what causes secondary infections in rats and leads
to illnesses like pnemonia and severe upper respiratory infections. Thats why its so important to watch your rat and listen
to your rat daily. Make sure your rat is not wheezing or sneezing excessivly. IF: you do notice wheezing and sneezing...TAKE
YOUR RAT TO THE VET! I have a rat who has had pnemonia and its not pretty. Pnemonia causes permanant lung damage and scarring. And pnemonia can come on incredibly fast. If one
day your rat is wheezing, the next it could have pnemonia. Or pnemonia can come on slow, as it did in my rat James. Either way, the minute you hear a wheeze, watch your rat carefully and take them to the vet for an exam. Remember: not all
rats will show signs of respiratory distress. Roddy never did. When he was diagnosed with cancer, that was when we found out that he had a slight resp. infection. Another good reason to bring your rats to the vet.
Rats are usually not going to stay healthy their entire life, due to the myco organism in them. Rats generally
become weak and sick in their old age. When you have rats, you should be aware of this. they are going to need medical
attention when they are older, be prepared. Have a vet close enough to you so that you can bring your rats to them when they
become old and frail. They are not diposable! They need medical attention just like any person does.
Another factor in bringing you rats to the vet: $$$$ Money. If you don't think you have alot of money to
give them the proper medical care, save, save, save! I recommend the $1.00 a day plan starting when you first get your rats.
Put money away in a jar somewhere and don't touch it until your rats need to visit the vet's. If money is a big
issue, I know exactly how you feel.
I don't have alot of money, so its hard for me to bring my rats to the vet but, i still do.It
may take me while to pay off the bill, I may not be getting that new pair of pants that i wanted.But nothing is more important
to me than making sure that my rats are healthy and cared for. They depend on me for everything, they can't save their own
money and tell me when they want to go to the vet. Thats YOUR responsibity.
Vets can be scary. But you know, they really aren't. I'm kind of embarassed to admit that I'm terrified
of doctors including vets. It takes alot courage on my part to bring my rats to the vet because i'm so scared of them. But
when you get to the vet's, its not so scary. You may also be afraid of what the vet is going to say about the state of your
rat. But don't worry!! they are there to help!! The vet isn't gonna shoot you down and say your a horrible rat owner. Vets
will often provide support for you if your rat has a severe illness and they will usually (there are some bad vets out there) strive to help your rat. don't be afraid.
Get involved! When you bring your rat to the vet, research on your rat's illness. You want to be able
to understand what the vet is telling you. "Your rat has malocclusion" shouldn't sound like "blah blah cclisio-what now?" Your vet may also be more willing to listen to you if you know what your
talking about. You and your vet can discuss treatment and care when you know your stuff! and during the process, you will
become more knowledgeable abour rats and be prepared for future visits. Right on!
Always Remember that your vet is there to help you and your rat. Its up to you to make the call on whether
you want to bring your rat to the vet. Not to put on you a guilt trip or anything...but your rats are counting on
you. Can they?
Note to disclaimer: I wrote this artcal
based on personal feelings and events. Everyone is entitled to an opinion and you may disagree with some things said above.
I believe that its extremely important to bring your rats to vet. When you take on a pet, you are promising it a life of happiness
and good health. No animal can have good health unless they are given the proper medical attention when needed. Please think
about this before you get a new pet or if you are having doubts about bringing your rats to the vet. your rats rely
on YOU.