Nothing Like a Rat
There is nothing like a rat - not
a dog nor a cat
To steal your heart with a glance
When you're tired and blue
and the world has failed you
who waits there - and not just by chance
Your noble rat, ears pricked just so
Listening hard for your voice, like a statue, head to toe
in a dash, (and you grin at the sight)
Four feet gripping bars, tiny fingers clutched tight
Whiskers twitching, arms begging, "Please, come here!
I've missed you so and I need to be near!"
the coldest heart and the gloomiest soul
Could not resist such love
A friend evermore wrapped up in
and all you are and all that you do
and with one tummy kiss, your tears are dried
and it's you and your ratty,
side by side.
~Cindy Goehring